wastewater ch

Our technologies are listed in WIPO GREEN international technologies showcase. WIPO GREEN is a new technologies transfer system under WIPO.

Mobile sized, high speed, low cost, sludge concentration method and device


Separation of wastewater sludge by depressurization only


One step elimination method of fermentation gas caused by composting processing


Everyone knows the wastewater causes one  of the most serious environmental problems for almost all the countries in the world, but not many people know how to solve it.  

ESCO solutions with our patented technologies

ESCO, what is it?
It stands for “An energy service company” or “energy savings company”. (acronym: ESCO or ESCo) is a commercial or non-profit business providing a broad range of energy solutions including designs and implementation of energy savings projects, retrofitting, energy conservation, energy infrastructure outsourcing, power generation and energy supply, and risk management. We provide the total solutions with our world patented technologies.

Feb 2014, Epoch-making experiment success! Brief Photo Report from Osaka, Japan

At the end of Feb 2014, an experiment started for the vacuum aggregation levitation concentration of sludge. The result was successful. It looks ignorable small success, but it may change the world soon. Each photo can be enlarged by clicking it.

Our Recent Innovations for Wastewater & Sludge Treatments

As the results of our advanced research works which almost always granted funds from various public sectors of Japan, we do have various patents. Here we shows some of the recent patent applications under our controls. Please click each to see more details.

Sludge concentration method and mud concentration system
Sludge processing method and sludge processing system
Vacuum Concentrate Dehydration System
Vacuum Concentrate Digestion System
Dehydrating System
By Pressure Pump
Sewage Sludge Incineration System
Without Fuel and Chemicals
Compost Activated Carbonization System
Activated Carbon Liquefaction System

Get Free Activated Carbon from Sludge – How?

The System to Produce liquefied Activated Carbon from Sewerage Sludge

  • Requires No gas, No chemical, No large facility and No unwelcome odor.
  • Works in all weather Cold or Warm
  • International Patents Pending

New patent pending technologies allow to produce bio liquefied activated carbon from sewerage sludge which is a highly demanded environment cleaning agent from sewerage sludge. In addition, the technologies require no gas, no chemical, no large facility and no unwelcome odor. 

System to produce bio activated carbon from sewerage sludge
System to produce bio activated carbon from sewerage sludge

Comparison effectiveness in the water purification

Sewage Sludge Incineration Without Fuel and Chemicals? How?

Patent application number:
International: PCT/JP2011/61492 

The Sewage Sludge Incineration System Without Fuel and Chemicals


Looking for the Partners in the World

Japanese governments funded over US 2 million dollars on our research and development. We intend to share our research results for the latest sewerage technologies to the world now as we are the inventor.
Why don’t you make money on our technologies?

We are ready to offer our inventions to the world

We are ready to offer our inventions to the world, where need our technologies. We are ready to share our patents and technologies, which are the result of long years researches that heavily funded by Japanese government and its related organizations. Do you prefer funding premature researches from the scratch or prefer to get the results?

Also, Japanese Sewerage & Waste water Processing Market Waits for Good Idea from the World

We maintain close connections and latest knowledge for Japanese public sewerage markets. We often act as an agent and/or consultant for people who wish to sell own sewerage products to Japanese market. We are welcome you to offer us your technologies and products to help sewerage industries in Japan. We can help you to introduce your products as the insider to the very complicated sales system of Japanese public sewerage business, which most of foreign companies give up.

Research and Development History of Our Company

Year 2008:
Compost Activated Carbonization System

Budget: 10 million yen
Supported organization: Shikoku Bureau of Economy, Ehime Shield Industry Inc., Ehime University, City of Touon
Patents: Japan 1 application, International 1 application

Year 2008-2010:
Vacuum Concentrate Dehydration System

Budget: 10 million yen
Supported organization: Hyogo Prefecture, Kobe City College of Technology, Kobe University
Patents: Japan 2 applications, International 2 applications, Co-patent 1 application

Year 2008-2009:
Activated Carbon Liquefaction System

Budget: 45 million yen
Supported organization: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry: NEDO(NEDO: New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization), NS Materials Corp., Ritsumeikan University, Shiga Prefecture
Patents: Japan 3 application, International 1 application

Year 2010-2013:
Compost Activated Carbonization System

Budget: 200 million yen
Supported organization: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry: NEDO(NEDO: New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization), OBU Unity Co., Ltd, Nagoya University, Gifu University, Chubu University
Patents: Japan: assign 3 patens for exclusive license only used in Japan, International: assign 50{659260bfee9de372d251cf0f46d0d196324d619c8a7170325fda8dcf2b881e37}

Have you improved your sewerage system a bit?
